

1. Eligibility for Refund:

Refunds will be considered under the following circumstances:

Defective or damaged product upon receipt.

Item significantly deviates from the product description.

Dissatisfaction due to valid reasons as determined by “Brown Eagle”

2. Timeframe for Refund Requests:

Customers must initiate a refund request within 3 days from the date of product delivery.

3. Method of Refund:

Refunds will be issued in the original form of payment or as store credit, at the discretion of Brown Eagle

4. Return Process:

To request a refund, customers must:

Contact [Customer Support Email/Phone] with the order number and a detailed explanation.

Wait for instructions on returning the item.

Ship the item back in its original condition and packaging (if applicable).

5. Condition of Returned Items:

Returned items must be in their original condition, free from signs of use or damage.

6. Non-Refundable Items:

Customized or personalized items are generally non-refundable unless they are defective or deviate significantly from the order specifications.

7. Return Shipping:

Customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the return is due to a mistake on our part (e.g., wrong item shipped, defective product).

8. Refund Processing Time:

Refunds will be processed within 3 working days of receiving the returned item.

9. Exchanges:

Exchanges are subject to product availability. If an exchange is not possible, a refund or store credit will be offered.

10. Contact Information:

For refund requests or inquiries, contact [Customer Support Email/Phone].

11. Policy Changes:

Brown Eagle reserves the right to modify this refund policy. Customers will be notified of any changes.


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